Donate to the No Frills Fundraiser!
Did you know? In the past, our No Frills fundraiser has provided more than a quarter of the PTA’s annual budget.
There is no pressure to sell items, solicit support from neighbors, or buy things you don’t need.
September-December Only!
Just DONATE and be done!
No membership account? No problem! You do not need to create an account to donate! Simply press the "Donate Now" button above and you will be taken to the payment page.
Your support matters! This year the Discovery PTA’s No Frills donations will go towards funding a school wide Family STEM Night in the Spring, as well as other creative STEM projects in the classrooms throughout the school year for our Explorers. Our No Frills Campaign only runs through the end of November, so please, make your donation today!
In the past, donations have been used to fund:
Community events: PumpkinFest, ice cream socials, bingo night, movie night, Share the Love, military appreciation, and more
- Green Schools Initiatives and Curriculum
Author and Poet Laureate visits
The hydroponic and vegetable gardens
Gifts of appreciation and hospitality to teachers and staff
Diversity and inclusion initiatives
Teacher trainings and supplemental materials
School programs: Reflections, Odyssey of the Mind, 5th grade musical, Eco-Action club, Math Dice, and more
All donations are tax deductible. The PTA is a 501(c)3 organization that is eligible for corporate matching donations.
Questions about the No Frills Fundraiser?
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27
- Wednesday, March 5
- Saturday, March 8