Discovery's 2024-2025 Program has concluded, to see a list of the winners and some of their artwork click here.
National PTA's 50+ year Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. Every year, over 300,000 students participate in the program, advancing from the local to the state to the national level, earning recognition and prizes for their talents.
The student-created theme for the 2024-2025 Reflections program is Accepting Imperfection
Students of all grades and abilities are encouraged to participate. Use the below directions to submit by November 18, 2024.
1. CREATE original works of art in the following categories and enter under their grade-level division. (students can submit one piece in each of the 6 arts categories)
Visual Arts (guidelines)
Dance Choreography (guidelines)
Film Production (guidelines)
Literature (guidelines)
Music Composition (guidelines)
Photography (guidelines)
Special Artist division (guidelines) – for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504
2. Save and upload a file of the student artwork (photos of the Visual Arts pieces will be accepted) to the google drive 2024 Reflections Program under the appropriate category with the following title:
Arts Category_Grade_Discovery_Student First and Last Name_Title of Work
e.g. Dance Choreography_Grade 3_Discovery_Kimberly Sacher_Grade 3_The Laundry
3. Download, complete and upload the completed 2024 Student Entry Form, including a or the 2024 Fillable Student Entry Form student-written artist statement, to the google drive 2024 Reflections Program under the appropriate category with the following title:
Arts Category_Grade_Discovery_Student First and Last Name_Title of Work_ Student Entry Form
e.g. Dance Choreography_Grade 3_Discovery_Kimberly Sacher_Grade 3_The Laundry_Student Entry Form
*All pieces must be uploaded to the Google Drive by Monday November 18, 2024 with a complete Student Entry Form to be considered*
4. Save your artwork and stay tuned! Student entries will be judged by professional artists in three areas: interpretation of the theme (Accepting Imperfection), originality and technique. Winners will be announced by the end of November. Awards, prizes and celebrations will follow in the winter. Students who are awarded top honors will advance to the county level and then have the chance to advance to the district, state and national level for awards and prizes. The pieces that advance will be physically collected, so be sure to save and carefully store your artwork!
We hope all Discovery Explorers will participate and make this the best Reflections year ever!
Quick Links
- Reflections 2024 Student Entry Form
- Fillable Reflections 2024 Student Entry Form
- Enjoy this short video about previous year’s talented winners!
- Visit Virginia PTA’s Reflections and National PTA’s Reflections websites for more information about the program and awards.
In addition to the Reflections program, students are welcome to submit their creative Reflections theme idea through the National PTA Theme Search Contest. Learn more and download, complete and submit this form directly to Virginia PTA by the stated deadline. Your theme idea could inspire hundreds of thousands of future Reflections artists across the nation and you could!
Questions? Email Lou Najmi and Kimberly Sacher, DES Reflections Chairs, at or call 202-441-1725.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 31
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Thursday, April 10